Languages 👨‍💻

Advanced proficiency in C#, with a strong grasp of web development principles and a solid foundation in object-oriented programming and design patterns.

Well-versed in Java, with a comprehensive understanding of core programming concepts and the ability to create rich interactive applications.

Proficient in PHP, with a strong capability for developing robust web applications and a solid understanding of modern frameworks to enhance development efficiency.

Skilled in SQL, with experience in database design and management, adept at crafting efficient queries and integrating databases with applications.

Knowledgeable in C++ with practical experience in hardware programming with Arduino Uno, demonstrating an ability to bridge software with physical devices.

Proficient in creating visually appealing and responsive static websites using HTML and CSS, familiar with techniques like flexbox and grid.

Proficient in Python, capable of writing concise and effective scripts for a variety of tasks.

Frameworks 🏗️

Proficient in Laravel, with a strong foundation in its MVC architecture, eloquent ORM, and artisan command-line interface, enabling the creation of sophisticated web applications.

Experienced in ASP.NET, with a solid understanding of its MVC web development framework for building dynamic web pages and services.

Proficient with JavaFX for creating rich MVC applications, utilizing its features for building intuitive user interfaces and interactive experiences.

Enthusiastic about Hugo, effectively leveraging its capabilities to build fast and flexible static sites, as evidenced by this website.

Technical Skills 🛠️

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): In-depth understanding of classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation.

Design Patterns: Proficient in commonly used patterns such as Model-View-Controller (MVC) for architectural organization, Factory for object creation, Observer for event handling, Strategy for defining a family of algorithms, Decorator for extending functionality, and Adapter for interface compatibility.

Clean Code: A commitment to writing code that is clear, maintainable, and efficient, with a focus on readability and adherence to best practices.

Version Control with Git: Skilled in using Git for version management, feature branching, merging, and conflict resolution.

Collaboration with GitHub: Experienced in using GitHub for repository hosting, pull requests, code reviews, and team collaboration with GitHub Desktop.

Unity Game Engine: Proficient in using Unity for developing interactive 2D applications, with experience in scripting, asset creation, and gameplay mechanics.

Database Design: Skilled in structuring databases with an emphasis on normalization for data integrity and query efficiency. Experienced in creating maintainable database schemas.

Soft Skills 💡

Team Collaboration: Works effectively within team settings, appreciating the collective strengths and insights that each member brings, and contributes to group objectives.

Feedback Utilization: Embraces constructive feedback, using it as a source for personal growth and enhanced performance.

Effective Communication: Demonstrates the ability to convey information clearly and concisely, both verbally and in writing. Listens actively to understand others’ viewpoints.

Decision Making: Exercises sound judgement in decision-making, carefully considering various factors to make informed choices.

Practical Problem-Solving: Possesses a strong sense of practicality and common sense, enabling effective problem-solving and task management.